Orion Oyj – Work permits in one view

Maps and snapshots became essential for work management

The story of Orion’s hot work permit application, orientation, and safety application begins at the Turku shipyard, where Hyppönen was visiting. The local security manager introduced them to the Gate Apps work permit application,

The application impressed, and Hyppönen contacted Gate Apps.

“We needed an electronic system with map features so we can see where work is being done.”

Tomi Hyppönen, Security Manager at Orion

Effortless deployment

The demo was first viewed, and then the application was tested.

“We had an internally made diagram of how the process would go, and then we just started doing it. The implementation and cooperation have been really easy and effortless.”

Tomi Hyppönen, Security Manager at Orion

When licensed work is carried out in risk-classified premises, it has an impact on the safety of personnel and premises. The ease and speed of the application were at the top of the list of requirements so that the threshold for using it would be as low as possible. The app is also a tool for risk assessment. The application’s checklist is used to map whether working in the space is a risk or not.

In the initial phase of the project, the forms needed for hot work were customized. For the map application, a hundred CAD images of the production and offices were delivered, but otherwise, the process resembled the implementation of ready-made software.

“It was a short and quick project, a couple of months and the job was done. It was as easy as it can be,”

Tomi Hyppönen, Security Manager at Orion

All licensed work on the same map

At a later stage, the orientation and safety application was included just as seamlessly. When all the permits for tank, lifting, harmful substances, scaffolding, and hot work are on the map, it gives an excellent snapshot of what is going on everywhere.

“Now we can see immediately if there are risks in the premises, or if, for example, all works subject to a permit are carried out in the same area. At the end of the day, the security guard comes to see the status of the work, and if a fire alarm goes on, we immediately see where the alarm could have started. We can look at the situation per room, the images scale really well. I could never give up the map view.

Tomi Hyppönen, Security Manager at Orion

Reporting was also further developed. Now the application can be used to check whether real estate partners have made permits, and these metrics are used to evaluate the performance of real estate partners.

The reporting also shows that two thousand permits are issued per year in Gate Apps.