Keravan Energia Oy invests in occupational safety and quality improvement

Keravan Energia Oy introduced three mobile apps from Gate Apps product family, intended to improve work safety and quality

From paper to digital permit-to-work

Gate Permit-to-Work, which manages permits and required qualifications electronically, was the first to be put into use in the summer of 2020.

According to Safety Manager Lasse Väisänen, the timing of the introduction of electronic work permits could not have been better.

“The application was introduced during the pandemic, just before the busy annual maintenance. With the electronic processing of work permits, we avoided overcrowding in the printer and were able to minimize personal contacts,”

Lasse Väisänen, Safety Manager at Keravan Energia

Both the revision and the commissioning went well.

The application takes into account both subcontractors and the archiving of permits. Archiving is done automatically in SharePoint library of Kerava Energia’s Microsoft 365 environment.

Easier way to log and store observations

Gate Observations, with which safety observations are collected, processed and reported electronically, was put into use at the end of September 2020.

“The processing of observations is now out of the hands of just one person. The employees are also satisfied, they can access their findings and see that they are acted upon”

Lasse Väisänen, Safety Manager at Keravan Energia

Real-time reporting of safety observations has been implemented with Power BI. Monthly report is also prepared for the management team on the safety observations made in production.

“At first there was a cluster of observations; now the situation has stabilized a bit. Over the course of half a year, there have been a hundred observations, usually two hundred in a year. And the summer workers who are usually more native with mobile applications are just coming to work,”

Lasse Väisänen, Safety Manager at Keravan Energia

Safety walks and audits

Gate Audits, which is going to be used for the facility’s safety walks as well as network- and environmental rounds, has started more slowly. The restriction on meetings due to the pandemic postponed the project.

”Safety walks in facilities have already been done and noticed some devlopment in reporting. In the internal quality audit, the deflection is also recorded on the Gate observation application side.”

Lasse Väisänen, Safety Manager at Keravan Energia

No separate user management

Gate applications utilize Azure AD authentication in their user management.

“We created twenty new user groups for the applications, so that different access rights and authorizations within the application could be implemented. The authentication has been handled well, and there have been no support needs or confusion along the way.”

Marlo Vuorentie, IT Manager at Keravan Energia

“This has been an interesting project. I came across Gate Apps at the trade fair. We started with the Gate Observation app. The project became bigger and expanded from the original one, but we see the benefits obtained as big compared to before. You have to develop things, you can’t stay where you are. Now we have one platform, many functions, all in one place.”

Lasse Väisänen, Safety Manager at Keravan Energia